IBM Watson Assistant Methodology
Code: W7070G-WBTOverview
This course covers the methods of preparing for, training, and implementing an IBM Watson Assistant chatbot. It provides instruction on every step of the Assistant development process, including common use case review, user scenario development, vocabulary comprehension, data collection, tooling use, and deployment. Applies to Watson Assistant on Cloud and Watson Assistant on Cloud Pak for Data.
The audience for this training includes: • Business decision makers looking for details on applications to increase employee productivity, optimize business processes, and improve the customer experience • Subject matter experts who collect user input and craft dialog for the solution • Developers who integrate front and back-end systems with corporate software • Designers who create user interfaces for applications • Performance managers who set goals and track success
Watson Assistant Essentials Building Dialog Nodes Dialog Options Slots and Digressions Deploy and Manage
Course Outline
Unit 1: Watson Assistant Essentials • Understand assistant use cases and solution patterns • Understand necessary data collection processes • Understand IBM Watson Assistant vocabulary • Create a dialog skill • Define Intents and entities Unit 2: Building Dialog Nodes • Explain how to write dialog content • Describe default node features • Demonstrate how to edit a node • Edit context variables • Describe how to direct dialog flow • Demonstrate next action options Unit 3: Dialog Options • Define the options panel • Describe webhooks • Describe disambiguation • Describe autocorrect • Describe irrelevance detection Unit 4: Slots and Digressions • Define the slots functionality • Identify use case for slots • Demonstrate slots • Define digressions funcationality • Identify uses for digressions • Demonstrate digressions Unit 5: Deploy and Manage • Describe how the IBM Watson Assistant API calls work • Describe five best practices of UI design for Assistants • Explain how to deploy and manage an IBM Watson Assistant
Price (ex. VAT)
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Delivery methods
- Classroom
- On-site (at your location)
- Virtual (instructor online)
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